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Break Forth, O Beauteous Heavenly Light

There are some of our hymns that take beautiful classical music melodies, or styles, and incorporate them into the hymn tune. One of those is the Christmas hymn, Break Forth, O Beauteous Heavenly Light, written in a Bach chorale style, harmonized by Bach.

It is a two stanza hymn that speaks of the beautiful light of heaven. Stanza one focuses on the light of the glory of God that broke forth that night when the angels appeared to the Shepherds, heralding to them the good news of the birth of Messiah.

Stanza two, while continuing that sentiment, also seems to be a veiled reference to the eternal Son of God becoming flesh, alluding to John 1:14. He is the incarnation of the hope and consolation of God's people. He is the Light of the world, ending the night of darkness, and befriending our fallen race.

Break forth, O beauteous heav'nly light,

And usher in the morning;

Ye shepherds, shrink not with affright,

But hear the angel's warning,

This Child, now weak in infancy,

Our confidence and joy shall be.

The pow'r of Satan breaking,

Our peace eternal making.

Break forth, O beauteous heav'nly light,

To herald our salvation;

He stoops to earth the God of might,

Our hope and expectation.

He comes in human flesh to dwell,

Our God with us, Immanuel,

The night of darkness ending,

Our fallen race befriending.

For the music of this hymn, visit here.

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Church in Dover, NH, seacoast area, conservative church, friendly church, seacoast region, New Hampshire, traditional ministry


186 Dover Point Rd.

Dover, NH 03820

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