We Praise Thee, O God, Our Redeemer
For about two years now, I have added hymn reading/singing to my personal devotional time with the Lord. I have gone through several hymnals, noting especially less familiar or unknown hymn texts. I am currently going through Hymns to the Living God, produced by Religious Affections Ministries, and read/sang through this hymn this morning that encouraged my own heart. It is a text by Julia Cady Cory, who died in 1963. May it encourage and strengthen your own heart today, in praise to our God, our Redeemer, and our Creator.
We praise Thee, O God, our Redeemer, Creator,
In grateful devotion our tribute we bring;
We lay it before Thee, we kneel and adore Thee,
We bless Thy holy Name, glad praises we sing.
We worship Thee, God of our fathers, we bless Thee;
Through life's storm and tempest, our Guide hast Thou been;
When perils o'ertake us, escape Thou wilt make us,
And with Thy help, O Lord, our battles we win.
With voices united our praises we offer,
To Thee, great Jehovah, glad anthems we raise;
Thy strong arm will guide us, our God is beside us,
To Thee, our great Redeemer, forever be praise.