A God-Loving...Word-Driven...Ministry-Minded church serving Dover, NH and its surrounding communities for over 35 years.
Recommended Ministries
Blue Letter Bible is an excellent source for several Bible study tools including commentaries, Strong's concordance, and in-depth word research.
Religious Affections Ministries has several resources for believers: excellent reading, supplemental hymns, and helpful discussions on worship and culture.
Lifeline Publications offers several articles written and published by godly men that help answer many questions that are being asked today.
The WILDS of New England serves as a place for teen summer camp, couples' retreats, men's retreats, ladies' retreats, and is a blessing to many in the New England area.
Answers in Genesis is a ministry designed to help teach and uphold the biblical truths of a literal creation week. It provides great ideas for Vacation Bible Schools, as well as Sunday school or Christian school materials. It is also full of other reading material as well as DVDs and other resources.